Kenton Nakamura travels to the 2015 NAAAP Conference on a “Tools for Success” Scholarship from Home Depot Careers.
Kenton Nakamura travels to the 2015 NAAAP Conference on a “Tools for Success” Scholarship from Home Depot Careers.
Alpha Zeta Chapter celebrates its 16th anniversary of eternal brotherhood by hosting a Founders Day Dinner at China Harbor.
Brothers of UW Lambda Phi Epsilon establish a new partnership with Delete Blood Cancer DKMS to host their annual bone marrow drive.
Alpha Zeta Chapters hosts its latest Bid Night Ceremony at Maggiano’s Little Italy to celebrate the growth of their newest recruits.
Every summer without fail, active members of Lambda Phi Epsilon volunteer for ACRS’ signature community event: Walk For Rice.
Chapter delegates from all across the nation met at #LFEmidyear to receive annual updates on the state of the fraternity.
We are recognized as Seattle’s Favorite API Youth Organization at the International Examiner’s 2013 Reader’s Choice Awards!
Hosting a week-long series of events to educate our peers to #BeTheMatch for the National Marrow Donor Program.
We are now recruiting for our Fall 2013 Alpha Alpha Class! RSVP on Facebook to stay updated on our rush events.
Alpha Zeta Chapter is recognized for its work in providing outstanding leadership, philanthropy, and advocacy to the community.
The United Greek Council recognizes Lambda Phi Epsilon Fraternity as Chapter of the Year for the second year in a row!
We are proud to recognize the achievements of our growing family in the Northwest Region at our 2013 Installation Ceremony!
Alpha Zeta Chapter unmasks the ten chartering brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon at Washington State University!
Congratulations to the newest Lambdas of our Spring 2013 Psi Class for crossing into Eternal Brotherhood! Welcome to the new age.