Making a Real Difference
From November 8th – 12th, 2010, Lambda Phi Epsilon Fraternity at the University of Washington hosted its annual bone marrow drive on campus, sponsored by the Puget Sound Blood Center and the Asian American Donor Program. With the help of alpha Kappa Delta Phi sister sorority, over a hundred new people were typed for the national bone marrow registry within one week, giving hope to the 6,000+ patients around the world who are desperately searching for a donor transplant match. Lambda Phi Epsilon has a track record of making tangible differences in the Asian American community by saving the lives of real patients who are diagnosed with leukemia and other blood-related cancers. For more information, read a front-page article that was published in the UW Daily Newspaper that highlights the importance for the national bone marrow registry and how it became Lambda Phi Epsilon’s nationally recognized philanthropy.
Newspaper Article | http://dailyuw.com/2010/11/10/greeks-promote-bone-marrow-registration/
Online Photo Album | http://picasaweb.google.com/uwlambdas/BoneMarrowDrive2010#