On June 9, 2012, the University of Washington community will gather to celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2012 at Commencement. With banners flying and colorfully decorated mortarboards atop their heads, the graduates will take the field at CenturyLink Stadium, surrounded by 40,000 cheering family members and friends. Lambdas will be donning their proud graduation stoles with the letters “Lambda Phi Epsilon” embellished onto the fabric to distinguish themselves from the crowd.
Congratulations to Alpha Zeta Chapter’s newest alumni!
- Mr. Michael Chen
- Mr. Nicholas Enriquez
- Mr. Hengxin Fun
- Mr. Kevin Lee
- Mr. Gavin Liu
- Mr. Wilson Lu
- Mr. Vincent Ly
- Mr. Ryuji Maung
- Mr. Thuc Nguyen
All graduates will take the traditional walk across the huge commencement stage, where President Young, members of the Board of Regents, the deans of the University’s 16 schools and colleges, and members of the faculty will be present to officially confer degrees. Students will receive diploma covers embossed with the University seal as they shake hands with President Young or another member of the University administration (provost, dean, or regent), and have their photographs taken. It will truly be a day to remember. See you there! (Source: http://www.washington.edu/graduation/)
Also, a special shout out is in order to our graduating Lambda Lil Sis:
- Ms. Quy Nguyen
- Ms. Tiffany Ng
- Ms. Jessica Tran
- Ms. Jenny Yang
Facebook Album HERE
Banner Photo Credit: Ms. Jessica Tran (Lambda Lil Sis)