Empire State of Mind
With over 50 chapters and international status, Lambda Phi Epsilon operates beyond the scope of individually run school organizations. Along with the existence of a National board comes the annual gathering of Lambdas—Convention. Every Memorial Day weekend, thousands of brothers arrive from around the country to a predetermined location for the National general meeting. Convention is a time for business. Elections are held for the following year’s National board and for potential new active chapters. Pertinent issues are discussed and resolutions are set. Many new acquaintances are made, and many others are renewed.
However, it is not solely about serious matters. It is enthralling to meet new brothers from practically everywhere who share a common bond. A brotherhood showcase is held where chapter brothers and Lambda Lil Sis compete with showcases. And of course, no gathering is complete without a club party. Our close relationship with our fellow international sister sorority, alpha Kappa Delta Phi, ensures that there will never be a lack of partying at our events. Convention is without question the most anticipated event of Lambda Phi Epsilon. For one weekend, brothers meet because of one unifying reason—their dedication to the fraternity. With this common ground, business is taken care of, and crazy nights are had.
This year, we celebrated 30 years of brotherhood at Lambda Phi Epsilon’s Convention in Buffalo, New York. Shout out to this year’s Service Chair, Carsen Chu, for leading quality service initiatives that impact the Asian American community—Alpha Zeta Chapter won the 2011 National Service Award! And congrats to our President, Bryan Dosono, for earning the Lambda of the Year Scholarship.
Convention Website | http://www.lfeconvention.com/
Picasa Photo Albums | https://picasaweb.google.com/uwlambdas/ConventionXXII