Define Lambda
Convention 2012 was all about defining what it meant to be a Lambda. Workshops and meetings were held solely dedicated to educate brothers on what it meant to be an informed and aware citizen and to translate that into being a brother of Lambda Phi Epsilon. On the other side of business was the nightlife. For those who arrived early, the brothers of Houston’s own Pi Chapter threw a house party to welcome all incoming Lambdas, KDPhi, and Lil Sis. Night number two was the formal welcome party at District Lounge. Night number three was alpha Delta Kappa Phi’s party featuring a local hip hop star straight from the heart of the Dirty South, the 713. The next night was Lambda Phi Epsilon’s featured party thrown in the only possible known Lambda fashion: chaotic. Convention closed with the banquet where awards were handed out to outstanding chapters. Congratulations to Columbia University for Chapter of the Year, University of Texas, Dallas, now Alpha Omicron chapter, in attaining full active status, and congratulations to Stanford University for winning the brotherhood showcase and the right to carry the “keight” for the next academic year.
Active Itinerary
Friday, May 25th
Check In/Registration
Opening Ceremonies
aKDPhi Sponsored Event @ Isis
Saturday, May 26th
General Assembly
Leadership Summit
Networking Event
LPhiE Sponsored Event @ Stereo Live
Sunday, May 27th
Expansion Meeting
Basketball Tournament
Philanthropy Event
Monday, May 28th
Check Out
Convention XXIII Promo Video | http://youtu.be/JgHRVdw7UYA