On November 11, 2014, Alpha Zeta Chapter of Lambda Phi Epsilon hosted its latest Bid Night Ceremony at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Bellevue to celebrate the growth of their newest recruits. The chapter’s active members extended appreciation to all of the organizations that arrived and presented gifts to their potential new members.
The sisters of Chi Sigma Alpha began the external presentation segment of the evening by presenting a gift bag full of tools to represent how the brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon are always there to provide a hand. Next, the ladies of alpha Kappa Delta Phi presented a cake resembling the brotherhood’s unity. They explained that the only way to create such a fine cake was to select ingredients at their highest quality. Similar to their gift, the women of Sigma Psi Zeta presented another cake with a similar meaning behind it. Lambda Lil Sis also commanded a strong appearance and provided mystery gift bags to each recruit to show their full-hearted support.
Respective actives and alumni in each family lineage also congratulated the recruits on their level of commitment to joining the fraternity. The big brother of each recruit gave words of encouragement and pride on how far his little brother progressed on his journey to becoming a Lambda. With the ballroom packed full of attendees, the ceremony ended with the taking of group photos which can be found on the chapter’s Facebook page.