By Matthew Wu
A head-to-head battle
This past weekend, a number of epic matches occurred between notoriously infamous matchups. The Clippers dethroned the Spurs, Manny Pacquiao finally fought Floyd Mayweather, and the brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon and Pi Alpha Phi came together at last in a highly anticipated flag football game at the University of Washington.
I see you, pbro! Nothing gets past Jordan Tran. @uwlambdas pic.twitter.com/LDUqi0DYji
— Dexter Liu (@dexterliu144) May 5, 2015
Highlights of the match
Despite a slow start, Lambdas found their ferocity to overcome the early 3-1 lead by Pi Alpha Phi. Notably, Mr. Trent Ishii was Lambdas‘ MVP—he caught multiple touchdowns and intercepting passes throughout the entire game. Mr. Joe Koroki also stepped up and proved to be a valuable utility player for reading the Pi Alpha Phi offense and throwing touchdown passes. These efforts brought Lambdas up to a 5-4 lead. The game came to an early close due to an unexpected injury from Pi Alpha Phi.
#LPhiE vs #PAPhi football game. Sportsmanship never goes out of style. pic.twitter.com/SR2gHcG1ov
— Arrunn Chhouy (@ArrunnChhouy) May 5, 2015
Lambda Phi Epsilon and Pi Alpha Phi moving forward
Overall, the friendly yet competitive game was a nice way to spend a sunny day in Seattle. Both teams demonstrated great athleticism and sportsmanship. The game gave the active house an opportunity to train together and work towards building internal brotherhood and external relationships.
@uwlambdas I love my A-Team. pic.twitter.com/wsq66ovzse
— Kevin Kim (@kimkevin1995) May 7, 2015