Join the Brothers of ΛΦΕ, Alpha Zeta Chapter, as we celebrate our 14 years of establishment at the University of Washington. Throughout Presidents Day Weekend, we will be hosting events that promote our principles of academic achievement, community service, social excellence, cultural awareness, and eternal brotherhood. All of our Founders Weekend events are open to students. See why Lambdas’ legacy dominates as the world’s largest and the Pacific Northwest’s fastest growing Asian American interest fraternity.
Schedule of Events:
Thurs, 02/14, 5-7pm
Step Workshop @ UW ECC Studio
Perform a complex rhythm of beats with our award-winning step team.
Fri, 02/15, 10pm
Social Kickback @ The Lambda House
Head out to our house on Greek Row for a night of fun.
Sat, 02/16, 7-10pm
Bid Night Ceremony @ Salty’s on Alki
Meet our new members and see presentations from Greek houses.
Sun, 02/17, 9-10am
Adopt-a-Street Service @ Chinatown
Clean and preserve our cultural landmarks in the International District.
Mon, 02/18, 2-6pm
Study Spree @ UW Suzzallo Library
Keep ahead of the competition in an all-academic environment.
Join the conversation on Twitter: @uwlambdas #FoundersWeekend
Sponsored by Jones Soda, Kaplan Test Services, and Google.
Established on February 14, 1999 at the University of Washington.