Educating the Next Generation
The brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon and the sisters of Chi Sigma Alpha volunteered this past MLK Day by teaching STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) workshops to local elementary and middle school youth. In spite of inclement weather conditions (the university ended the week early to due excessive snow), Lambdas wanted to celebrate MLK Day as a day on, and not as a day off from school. Many may see MLK Day as a holiday, but Lambdas especially saw this as an opportunity to give back to the community. It was rewarding to see brothers and sisters united to give the gift of education to first-generation prospective college-bound children to honor Dr. King’s legacy. The effort that both Greek organizations put into serving the Cascades Science Center Foundation at StudentRND was invaluable to fulfilling the mission of both education-related nonprofit organizations.
Astronomy Workshop: Bryan Dosono
Biology Workshop: Thuc Nguyen, Ryuji Maung
Chemistry Workshop: Gary Ho, Andrew Yeh
Computer Science Workshop: Wilson Lu, Michael Chen
Engineering Workshop: Cole Fun, Mikey Mazique, Virak Mau
Forensics Workshop: Josh Chen, Anthony Barki
Geology Workshop: Phillip Ho, Anna Nguyen
Math Workshop: Carsen Chu, An Nguyen, Tammy Chang
Physics Workshop: Sundona Kittikhoun, Gillian Lim