Civic Pride and Community Engagement
Lambdas spent the Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a day ON and not a day OFF from service. This year, Lambdas volunteered at the Small Faces Child Development Center, a nonprofit organization that provides safe and stable care for working families who want to encourage their children’s development in a setting that honors diversity and respects the environment. From the onset of arrival, the walls of the center were crumbling; Lambdas took the challenge upon themselves to break down the wall and rebuild it from scratch. This service project spanned a period of two separate Saturdays, and Lambdas finished the job well. Regardless of the precipitous 19°F weather, the continuous landscape shoveling, and the heavy lifting of cement blocks, nothing deterred Lambdas from serving their community.
The University of Washington’s Carlson Center for Public Service and Leadership noticed the work of UW Lambdas and filmed the chapter’s volunteering efforts. The video was submitted, and then chosen as a finalist for a national MLK Service Challenge Competition. Polls were open for voting nationwide for the month of February. In the end, Lambda Phi Epsilon’s contributions that represented the University of Washington won the North Carolina Campus Compact 2011 National MLK Challenge Day of Service Technology Contest! With a total of 16,878 votes cast from 45 states, we are this year’s winner with 7552, or 45%, of the votes!
Video | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qstnRH180Q
Poll Results | http://org.elon.edu/nccc/MLKFinalists2011.html
Picasa Photo Albums | Part 1 | Part 2