Lambda Phi Epsilon (ΛΦΕ) is the University of Washington’s first and the nation’s largest Asian American interest fraternity. We encourage all interested gentlemen with a passion for excellence and success to come out to our rush events to learn what our premier fraternity can offer their college experience.
Look Sharp, Live Smart. Rush ΛΦΕ.
- Wed, 1/9 @ 6:30 PM – BROTHERHOOD BBQ
Who says that barbecues are only for summer? You’re invited to come through and grab some grub while getting to know the brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon. - * Thurs, 1/10 @ 7 PM – INFO NIGHT #1
Meet the brothers of ΛΦΕ and learn what separates our brotherhood from the rest. Speak with accomplished alumni; spark corporate connections. Sponsored by Kaplan. - Fri, 1/11 @ 10 PM – BACK TO SCHOOL KICKOFF PARTY
Kick off the quarter right and see why there ain’t no party like a LAMBDA party all while meeting part of our extended family. Special guests: Lambda Lil Sis. - Mon, 1/14 @ 5 PM – BROTHERHOOD BOWLING
Think you got what it takes to roll with us? Come out to our bowling night at the HUB and see why the brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon are always rolling over the competition. - Tues, 1/15 @ 6:30 PM – DESSERT NIGHT
Got a sweeth tooth? We’ll help you fix that as we make crepes with the ladies of Sigma Psi Zeta. Come for a night of good food, good times, and good company. What more could you want? - * Wed, 1/16 @ 7 PM – INFO NIGHT #2
Couldn’t make it to the first Info Night? Come through and learn how Lambdas leave a permanent impact on their community and university. Sponsored by Kaplan. - Thurs, 1/17 @ 7 PM – WATER PONG
Feeling thirsty? Come show off your skills as we host a water pong tournament with the ladies of alpha Kappa Delta Phi. It’s gonna take more than luck to win this one! - Fri, 1/18 @ 7:30 PM – CASINO NIGHT/RUSH PARTY
Come out and see why LAMBDAS throw the biggest and best rush parties on campus. Come early for a private mixer/game night with the ladies of Chi Sigma Alpha. - Mon, 1/21 @ 6 PM – POOL NIGHT & INTERVIEWS
Have fun while showing off your pool skills. Not good at billiards? That’s okay; enjoy free food while chilling with the Lambda Family. Special guests: #LambdaLilSis.
* Interested gentlemen are highly encouraged to attend at least one info night and two other events of their choice to qualify for an interview. All rush events are absolutely free of cost and there are no obligations to join. Meet in front of Suzzallo Library for transportation before each rush event.
Questions? Please feel free to contact us:
Email | rush@uwlambdas.com
Phone | 425.998.RUSH (7874)
Website | https://uwlambdas.com/
Facebook | http://fb.com/uwlambdas/
Twitter | http://twitter.com/uwlambdas/
Proudly sponsored by: Google, Kaplan, and Jones Soda.