“Your Big Bro is just a tweet away” is the slogan that introduced Lambda Phi Epsilon’s Little Sister Rush for Spring 2012. The brothers of Alpha Zeta Chapter designed the theme of their Little Sister program after their social media initiative that began that same school year. After the launch of the Little Sister advertising campaign, dozens upon dozens of interested ladies flocked to the information nights.
Alpha Zeta Chapter was interested in providing potential Lambda Little Sisters two main opportunities. The first was to network with a tightly knit group of professionals who would share their resources and knowledge with trusting ladies. The second was to offer a taste of the Greek System for those who were not already affiliated with the community. Many women who are cautious about going Greek can opt to do our Lambda Little Sister Program because it helps them understand Greek Life more and allows them to explore different options they might not have known before. Additionally, our Lambda Little Sister Program has had a successful track record of functioning as a pipeline to help ease interested ladies into pledging for a fully-fledged sorority. Lambda Little Sisters have even gone on to charter their own sororities, and even become presidents of their respective house.
Of the over fifty girls that attended the information nights and had interviews, only roughly a third were given bids. The program was designed to bond Little Sisters with their Big Brothers. The nature of the program itself is a secret but completion was no easy task; the quality of the program can only be assured by the quality of women involved. All Lambda Little Sisters hold high-ranking officer positions in other campus organizations. For instance, Lucy Meng (also known as “Lux Solaris”) is the founder of the UW Chapter of the National Association of Asian American Professionals, as well as the Art Director of the Hong Kong Student Association. Other Little Sisters include, Aileen Huang (also known as “Nova”) who is the Public Relations Officer of the Chinese Student Association, and Mai Roach (also known as “Mai Tai”) who is the incoming President of the UW Chapter of alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, Inc. Each Lambda Little Sister is also charged with a leadership position within her own pledge class—Rena Feng (also known as “Feather”) is the elected Pledge Captain of the Zippy Zetas.
By mentoring influential women and opening paths for them both on campus and in the professional world, Lambda Phi Epsilon also creates more opportunities for our affiliates. We are strong advocates of the power of women in the professional workforce and one of our greatest emphases is helping our Lambda Little Sisters find their niche both in and out of college. Our network is just one of the reasons why Lambda Phi Epsilon members and affiliates are so successful in their professional careers. Being the largest Asian American interest fraternity in the world, having a large number of quality Little Sisters enhances our family to even more diverse fields of work. And ultimately, that is the underlying theme of the program: family. The Lambda Little Sister Program is not a short-lived experience where girls get to go Greek for a quarter; the Lambda Little Sister Program transcends an already winning legacy for a lifetime. Our family is forever.
Congratulations to Our Newest Class!
We are proud to welcome the “Zippy Zetas” of Spring 2012.
#54 Ms. Thu “Yolklet” Ngo (Public Relations Chair)
#55 Ms. Teos “Firefly” Bisbee (Service Chair)
#56 Ms. Aileen “Nova” Huang (Co-Captain)
#57 Ms. Lirra “Dancelet” Zullo (Parliamentarian)
#58 Ms. Nayeon “Boo” Choi (Sisterhood Chair)
#59 Ms. Amy “Lotus” Chung (Academics Chair)
#60 Ms. Mai “Mai Tai” Roach (Social Chair)
#61 Ms. Jennifer “Phoenix” Nguyen (Historian)
#62 Ms. Rena “Feather” Feng (Captain)
#63 Ms. Sunny “Rainie” Wan (Culture Chair)
#64 Ms. Wyndi “Starfire” Ma (Formals Chair)
#65 Ms. Luxi “Solaris” Meng (Treasurer)
#66 Ms. Christina “Choco Pie” Kim (Step Master)
#67 Ms. Aileen “Ariel” Kim (Web Master)
#68 Ms. Nina “Thai1” Siribodhi (Fundraising Chair)
#69 Ms. Michelle “Pawsies” Chen (Secretary)
#70 Ms. Sarah “Yuffie” Carter (Alumni Chair)
#101 Mr. Bryan “Brain” Dosono (Pledge Dad)